Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that businesses can be resilient. But resilience is a property, not just a state. Managers and entrepreneurs need to achieve resilience first as a way to stabilize and preserve the business when challenged by a severe crisis. But how can firms then switch gears achieve a resurgence to come out of a crisis strongly? In this talk, I first explore what it means to be resilient and how resilience may be achieved. Then, I focus on resurgence and consider what is needed to capitalize on opportunities presented by a crisis. I draw on interviews with several expert advisors, entrepreneurs, and scholars to inform this talk.
Short bio: Dr Mathew (Mat) Hughes is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Loughborough University, School of Business and Economics, UK. He previously served as a Reader in Entrepreneurial Management at Durham University Business School and as Assistant and then Associate Professor at Nottingham University Business School. His expertise sits at the crossroads of entrepreneurship and innovation with strategy and management. His work is published in leading journals such as Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, British Journal of Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Journal of World Business. Mat is an Associate Editor the Journal of Family Business Strategy, and a member of various editorial review boards including the Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies, and British Journal of Management. Mat also hosts a podcast series freely available on SoundCloud, Apple, Spotify and Amazon/Audible, and is a regular contributor to the Entrepreneur Information Exchange and FamilyBusiness.org. In 2020, he won the Schulz Award for his contributions to FamilyBusiness.org on family business resilience and resurgence.